Bob Adams (1932 – 2016)
Robert “Bob” Adams is internationally recognized as the originator of the DACUM training system and is considered as one of the most influential pioneers of competency-based occupational training. Adams’ work spanned over 50 years working with countless for-profit and not-for-profit organizations throughout the world. He received international notoriety from his pioneering work with Nova Scotia Newstart in the 1960s as well as his system implementation at Holland College demonstrating that a higher education institution could depart from traditional instructional methods and embrace a competency-based approach. Canadian by birth, Adams spent his life creating learning programs where anyone could prosper regardless of geographical location, disadvantage, or race. Adams held a master’s and a bachelor’s degree specializing in vocational & technical education from Bradley University. As a founding member of Edwin & Associates, there are few who exemplify what it means to Close the Skills Gap more than Adams. Edwin & Associates is proud to continue his work.

R. Lance Hogan
Lance Hogan is a co-founder of Edwin & Associates and Professor at Eastern Illinois University (UPI Local 4100) in the College of Business & Technology. As a driven university educator who is committed to a scholar-practitioner career track, he serves industry workforce development needs while simultaneously teaching his craft and exposing students to his first-hand experiences. He has developed learning solutions for more than 20 years enabling individuals and organizations to reach higher and achieve more. Hogan holds a Ph.D. degree in workforce education and development from Southern Illinois University, a master’s degree in business administration and a bachelor of science degree in business administration specializing in production/operation management from Southeast Missouri State University. He also has numerous professional certificates in human performance improvement and curriculum development. He is a sought-after consultant, speaker, workshop facilitator and is recognized as a leader in competency-based training.

Luke J. Steinke
Luke J. Steinke, a co-founder of Edwin & Associates, is currently a Professor at Eastern Illinois University in the College of Business & Technology. He is well known within for his work within the areas of occupational training and workforce development, and has worked tirelessly to create learning environments that allow individuals to develop practitioner-based skills. For over 20 years he has worked within a variety of organizations to develop learning solutions to close skill gaps. Luke holds a Ph.D. degree in workforce education and development from Southern Illinois University Carbondale, a masters degree in training, development, and performance improvement and a bachelor of science degree in industrial technology from Northern Michigan University; and an associate degree in graphic communications from Moraine Park Technical College. An author of numerous books and publications, he is a sought-after speaker, consultant, and workshop facilitator, and is recognized for his work in developing training directly connected to the workplace.